Back from the Brink: Bringing Communities Together to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Back from the Brink is a US-based grassroots coalition of individuals, organizations and elected officials working together toward a world free of nuclear weapons and advocating for common sense nuclear weapons policies to secure a safer, more just future. We call on the United States to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by:

Actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals

Renouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first

Ending the sole, unchecked authority of any U.S. President to launch a nuclear attack

Taking U.S. nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert

Cancelling the plan to replace the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal with enhanced weapons

To date over 400 organizations have endorsed the campaign, including environmental, health, peace, faith, policy and social justice groups. Municipal resolutions supporting Back from the Brink have been adopted by over 58 municipalities across the country and six legislative state bodies. All resolutions are sent to congressional delegations by the municipalities that adopt them.

To learn more about Back from the Brink please visit To endorse Back from the Brink as an individual, organization, or elected official, click here. If you are interested in pursuing a Back from the Brink resolution in your city, have questions, or want to get more involved, please email

  • Back from the Brink Advocacy Tools
    These advocacy tools are designed to help make your organizing efforts as easy as possible. If you have any questions, run into any roadblocks, or have suggestions for how to improve these tools, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Endorse the Five US Policy Solutions
    Building broad support for fundamental change in U.S. nuclear weapons policy is no small feat — we need everyone to make it happen. Endorse Back from the Brink today!
  • Five US Policy Solutions
    Five nuclear policy solutions which would make both the US and the world safer.