Nuclear weapons pose an unnecessary threat to the world, and while there are a lot of people and organizations striving everyday to end that threat, they need your help. There are countless ways to get involved. We’ve provided some options below, but we’re also hoping you’ll be inspired by some of the more creative efforts on this site and you’ll have your own ideas to get people actively involved in eliminating the threat of nuclear weapons.
There’s no such thing as a nonprofit nuclear organization that couldn’t accomplish a lot more if they had more money. In fact, if you’re worried about nuclear weapons, one of the most impactful actions you can take is to donate to any of the organizations listed on this site.
See Places to DonateSign Petitions and Support Legislation
When representatives hear from enough of their constituents, they’re more likely to take action against nuclear weapons. Signing petitions or calling your representatives can drive new policy.
Support policy effortsDownload Toolkits
Are you already involved in efforts to get rid of nuclear weapons? Or maybe you want to dive right in and do something more meaningful in your community? These toolkits and campaigner’s guides will give you the information and ideas you need to start a local movement, get your city to divest from nuclear weapons, and more.
Get ToolkitsDivest: Stop Funding Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons only exist because weapons developers are paid to make them. Yet most arms companies don’t make most of their money from nukes. That means that efforts to divest from nuclear weapons companies can effectively convince these companies to step away from nuclear development. You can personally divest, or you can call your bank, other financial institutes, local government officials, universities, and more, and ask them to divest.
Get Your Money Out of NukesTake Creative Action
The most effective and meaningful action you can take might not be listed on this site yet. There’s a movement within the nuclear community to develop new and creative ways of addressing the threat of nuclear weapons and helping to bring more public awareness to the problem nuclear weapons pose. Here, we provide some examples of creative actions others have taken in the hopes they can inspire you to come up with your own creative ideas.
Get creative!
Just about any nonprofit organization needs help. If you want to volunteer, we recommend you visit the individual organization’s site to learn about the opportunities.
Find an organization to volunteer with