No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

Under no circumstances should the United States start a nuclear war.

No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons pose one of the greatest threats to human health and survival, and preventing their use is critical. Under no circumstances should the United States start a nuclear war. On January 30, 2019, Representative Adam Smith (D-WA), Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, introduced the “No First Use Act” in the House (H.R. 921) and Senate (S. 272). No first use (NFU) refers to a pledge or a policy by a nuclear-armed country not to use nuclear weapons as a means of war except in response to a nuclear attack.

Here are several resources on No First Use, and ways to take action.

Full bill text for S. 272 and H.R. 921

NFU Fact Sheet

NFU Talking Points

Spring Cleaning Lobby Week

PSR statement on introduction of legislation

Sample op-eds and LTE’s:

A Modest Proposal: Don’t Start a Nuclear War by Olivia Alperstein, Common Dreams